Jeff Pishney is the Founder and CEO of Love Stanislaus County and Love Our Cities. Officially beginning as a non-profit organization in 2014, these city-wide volunteer days and other initiatives have helped over 100 cities and have had over 239,000 volunteers since beginning in 2009. Jeff recognizes that more sustainable solutions are needed beyond volunteer days in order to see our cities thrive. His efforts have evolved to championing ongoing volunteerism, collaboration among leaders and initiating programs for Neighbors, Schools, Kids and Seniors.
Jeff grew up in Iowa, went to college and graduate school in Virginia and has been in Modesto, CA since 1995. Prior to being CEO, Jeff was a pastor for almost 20 years. As a college pastor, Jeff started to get a vision for his community. This vision grew when he became the outreach pastor during which Love Modesto began. Jeff and his wife, Karen, have been married for 18 years and have three children. Besides loving his family, Jeff is involved at his children's activities, passionate about justice issues and cheering on his Iowa Hawkeyes.
Why did you choose to be a board member of LSC?
I believe in our organization and the difference we’ve made over the years and the plans we have to make an even bigger impact in the years to come.
What do you love most about being on the LSC board?
We have always had incredible people on our board from our Founding Board Members until now. It is a joy and pleasure to serve alongside each of them.
What do you love most about living in Stanislaus County?
Hands down the people! I met my wife here, raising my three kids here and have so many amazing friends being here the past 25 years of my life.
In what ways do you participate in the community?
I love being involved with our city leaders, business leaders, non-profit leaders, education leaders and faith leaders from all our area cities, being a part of Catalyst (City Ministry Network) and helping our area churches in every way I can. I’ve continue to be really involved in my kid’s schools and activities where I get to meet, volunteer and have fun with so many other parents and grandparents in our community.